Regular Membership
Regular Member must be full-time employees whose primary responsibility and duties are the investigation, analysis, investigative support, or supervision of the investigation of insurance fraud and are a current & valid member of our parent organization, IASIU. Membership with the International may be of any member type to qualify as a regular member of the New England Chapter.
Regular Members shall have the privileges of voting on any issue, may hold office, may sit on committees, and may be selected to chair any committee. Regular members shall be afforded all benefits provided by NEIASIU and IASIU as outlined in any respective Constitution, Bylaw, or any rule, order, regulation, or standard operating procedure.
Other benefits include free training, networking with other antifraud professionals, and member only access to the chapter directory.
New Member Dues: $25
Renewal: $20
Professional Associate
Professional Associate may be a full-time local, state or federal law enforcement officer; a state or federal prosecutor; a full-time local, state, or federal agency employee who is involved in and/or provides special expertise or services for the investigation and/or prosecution of insurance fraud; a full-time insurance company employee; any person licensed to practice law who provides legal counsel and representation to insurers in defense of insurance claims which constitutes a majority of their practice and does not engage in plaintiff advocacy against insurers except on behalf of other insurers in subrogation actions; or an employee of a Third Party Administrator who is involved in and/or provides special expertise or services for the investigation of insurance fraud.
Professional Associates shall not have a vote and shall not hold office, but NEIASIU does not regulate how any company/agency comes to determine their ballot selections and whether or not they include Professional Associates in that process so long as the ballot is cast by a Regular Member. Professional Associates may be allowed to chair a committee if no other regular member volunteers for the position and if approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors.
New Member Dues: $25
Renewal: $15
Supporting Partner
Supporting Partners must be qualified as an owner or employee of a business that provides special expertise or services to insurers, self-insured corporations, or governmental agencies for the detection, investigation and/or prevention of insurance fraud; and whose professional activities or personal background are not considered adverse to the objectives and interests of the Association. Supporting Partners must be endorsed by a regular member before their application will be approved.
As a Supporting Partner you are welcome to attend all NEIASIU regular meetings [subject to any fees or restrictions], network with the membership, and promote your business or service before or after any meeting or event (soliciting of business during meetings is prohibited). You are also pre-approved as sponsors of NEIASIU events and will be given preference as sponsors over persons or entities that are not approved Supporting Partners. With the prior approval of the Board of Directors, you may also hold drawings for prizes before or after a meeting or event.
The intent of this affiliation is to build the relationship between our sponsors and members by providing for more opportunities to meet on a regular basis, while limiting the 'sales' aspect traditionally found between vendors and organizations. While Supporting Partners are not members of NEIASIU, and while you may not use the NEIASIU name, logo, or your affiliation for the marketing or promotion of your services, you may promote your affiliation during NEIASIU events for which you have been selected as a sponsor/vendor.
New Member Dues: $50
Renewal: $25