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Why Choose Us?


The only New England based anti-fraud seminar serving the SIU community.  200+ attendees serving a variety of insurance carriers and government.


Our vendor area is the center point of activity.  Coffee/snacks, evening reception & breaks are designed to move attendees to this area


Your access doesn't stop after the seminar.  Sponsorship comes with a Supporting Partner affiliation giving you access to our members year round.

Turning Vendors Into Partners
We know that this isn't the only seminar you need to consider & we are prepared to do more.  By offering our Supporting Partners affiliation to seminar sponsors we provide you with access beyond just those two days.  Come to our quarterly meetings & holiday party, NETWORK, meet & get to know our members, sponsor or present training, & more.  Vendor opportunities are available right now for our 2023 Seminar.  Apply early to ensure you don't miss this event.  
2023 Vendor Registration
2023 Vendor Kit

Thank You To Our
2022 Gold Sponsors!

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© 2019 by New England Chapter International Association of Special Investigation Units

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